Class 12 Electromagnetic Waves MCQ is one of the best strategies to prepare for the CBSE Class 12 Board exam. If you want to complete a grasp concept or work on one’s score, there is no method except constant practice. Students can improve their speed and accuracy by doing more MCQ on Electromagnetic Waves Class 12 which will help them all through their board test.
MCQ on Electromagnetic Waves Class 12 with Answers
Class 12 Physics MCQ with answers are given here to Electromagnetic Waves. These MCQs are based on the latest CBSE board syllabus and relate to the latest Class 12 Physics syllabus. By Solving these Class 12 MCQs, you will be able to analyze all of the concepts quickly in the chapter and get ready for the Class 12 Annual exam.
Learn Class 12 Electromagnetic Waves MCQ Questions with Answers PDF download according to the latest CBSE and NCERT syllabus. Students should prepare for the examination by solving CBSE MCQ on Electromagnetic Waves Class 12 PDF given below.
Question 1. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance 20 mF is being charged by a voltage source whose potential is changing at the rate of 3 V/s. The conduction current through the connecting wires, and the displacement current through the plates of the capacitor, would be, respectively
(a) zero, zero
(b) zero, 60 mA
(c) 60 mA, 60 mA
(d) 60 mA, zero
Question 2. Electromagnetic wave consists of periodically oscillating electric and magnetic vectors
(a) in mutually perpendicular planes but vibrating with a phase difference of Π
(b) in mutually perpendicular planes but vibrating with a phase difference of Π/2
(c) in randomly oriented planes but vibrating in phase
(d) in mutually perpendicular planes but vibrating in phase
Question 3. A 100 W resistance and a capacitor of 100 W reactance are connected in series across a 220 V source. When the capacitor is 50% charged, the peak value of the displacement current is
(a) 2.2 A
(b) 11 A
(c) 4.4 A
(d) 11√2 A
Question 4. The ratio of contributions made by the electric field and magnetic field components to the intensity of an electromagnetic wave is (c = speed of electromagnetic waves)
(a) c : 1
(b) 1 : 1
(c) 1 : c
(d) 1 : c2
Question 5. According to Maxwell’s hypothesis, changing of electric field give rise to :
(a) magnetic field
(b) pressure gradient
(c) charge
(d) voltage
Question 6. Light with an average flux of 20 W/cm2 falls on a non-reflecting surface at normal incidence having surface area 20 cm2. The energy received by the surface during time span of 1 minute is
(a) 10 × 103 J
(b) 12 × 103 J
(c) 24 × 103 J
(d) 48 × 103 J
Question 7. An em wave is propagating in a medium with a velocity v- = v ^i . The instantaneous oscillating electric field of this em wave is along +y axis. Then the direction of oscillating magnetic field of the em wave will be along
(a) –z direction
(b) +z direction
(c) –y direction
(d) –x direction
Question 8. For a transparent medium relative permeability and permittivity, μr and er are 1.0 and 1.44 respectively. The velocity of light in this medium would be
(a) 2.5 × 108 m/s
(b) 3 × 108 m/s
(c) 2.08 × 108 m/s
(d) 4.32 × 108 m/s
Question 9. In an electromagnetic wave in free space the root mean square value of the electric field is Erms = 6 V m–1. The peak value of the magnetic field is
(a) 2.83 × 10–8 T
(b) 0.70 × 10–8 T
(c) 4.23 × 10–8 T
(d) 1.41 × 10–8 T
Question 10. Out of the following options which one can be used to produce a propagating electromagnetic wave ?
(a) A chargeless particle
(b) An accelerating charge
(c) A charge moving at constant velocity
(d) A stationary charge
Question 11. Which of the following are not electromagnetic waves?
(a) cosmic rays
(b) g-rays
(c) b-rays
(d) X-rays
Question 12. Light with an energy flux of 25 × 104 W m–2 falls on a perfectly reflecting surface at normal incidence. If the surface area is 15 cm2, the average force exerted on the surface is
(a) 1.25 × 10–6 N
(b) 2.50 × 10–6 N
(c) 1.20 × 10–6 N
(d) 3.0 × 10–6 N
Question 13. The electric field associated with an em wave in vacuum is given by [E = i ^ 40 cos (kz – 6 × 108t)]; where E, z and t are in volt/m, meter and seconds respectively. The value of wave vector k is
(a) 2 m–1
(b) 0.5 m–1
(c) 6 m–1
(d) 3 m–1
Question 14. An electromagnetic wave of frequency u = 3.0 MHz passes from vacuum into a dielectric medium with relative permittivity e = 4.0. Then
(a) Wavelength is doubled and frequency becomes half.
(b) Wavelength is halved and frequency remains unchanged.
(c) Wavelength and frequency both remain unchanged.
(d) Wavelength is doubled and frequency unchanged
Question 15. The ratio of amplitude of magnetic field to the amplitude of electric field for an electromagnetic wave propagating in vacuum is equal to
(a) the speed of light in vacuum
(b) reciprocal of speed of light in vacuum
(c) the ratio of magnetic permeability to the electric susceptibility of vacuum
(d) unity.
Question 16. The electric field of an electromagnetic wave in free space is given by E vector= 10cos(107 t + kx)jˆ V /m , where t and x are in seconds and metres respectively. It can be inferred that
(1) the wavelength l is 188.4 m.
(2) the wave number k is 0.33 rad/m.
(3) the wave amplitude is 10 V/m.
(4) the wave is propagating along +x direction.
Which one of the following pairs of statements is correct?
(a) (3) and (4) (b) (1) and (2)
(c) (2) and (3) (d) (1) and (3)
Question 17. Which of the following statement is false for the properties of electromagnetic waves ?
(a) Both electric and magnetic field vectors attain the maxima and minima at the same place and same time.
(b) The energy in electromagnetic wave is divided equally between electric and magnetic vectors.
(c) Both electric and magnetic field vectors are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the direction of propagation of wave.
(d) These waves do not require any material medium for propagation
Question 18. The electric and magnetic field of an electromagnetic wave are
(a) in opposite phase and perpendicular to each other
(b) in opposite phase and parallel to each other
(c) in phase and perpendicular to each other
(d) in phase and parallel to each other.
Question 19. Wavelength of light of frequency 100 Hz is
(a) 4 × 106 m
(b) 3 × 106 m
(c) 2 × 106 m
(d) 5 × 10–5 m
Question 20. If the magnetic field of a light wave oscillates parallel to y-axis and is given by By = Bm sin (kz – wt), the direction of wave travel and the axis along which the electric vector oscillates is :
(a) + ve y – axis, z– axis
(b) – ve z – axis, x– axis
(c) – ve x – axis, y– axis
(d) – ve x – axis, z– axis
Question 21. The frequency of electromagnetic wave, which best suited to observe a particle of radius 3 × 10–4 cm is of the order of
(a) 1015
(b) 1014
(c) 1013
(d) 1012
Question 22. The condition under which a microwave oven heats up a food item containing water molecules most efficiently is
(a) microwaves are heat waves, so always produce heating
(b) infra-red waves produce heating in a microwave oven
(c) the frequency of the microwaves must match the resonant frequency of the water molecules
(d) the frequency of the microwaves has no relation with natural frequency of water molecules.
Question 23. The energy of the em waves is of the order of 15 keV.To which part of the spectrum does it belong?
(a) Ultraviolet rays
(b) g-rays
(c) X-rays
(d) Infra-red rays
Question 24. Frequency of infrared wave is approximately:
(a) 1018 Hz
(b) 1014 Hz
(c) 109 Hz
(d) 1016 Hz
Question 25. If lv, lx and lm represent the wavelengths of visible light, X-rays and microwaves respectively, then
(a) lm > lx > lv
(b) lm > lv > lx
(c) lv > lx > lm
(d) lv > lm > lx.
Whoever needs to take the CBSE Class 12 Board Exam should look at this MCQ. To the Students who will show up in CBSE Class 12 Physics Board Exams, It is suggested to practice more and more questions. Aside from the sample paper you more likely had solved. These Class 12 Electromagnetic Waves MCQ are ready by the subject specialists themselves.
Question 26. The decreasing order of wavelength of infrared, microwave, ultraviolet and gamma rays is
(a) microwave, infrared, ultraviolet, gamma rays
(b) gamma rays, ultraviolet, infrared, microwaves
(c) microwaves, gamma rays, infrared, ultraviolet
(d) infrared, microwave, ultraviolet, gamma rays
Question 27. We consider the radiation emitted by the human body. Which one of the following statements is true?
(a) The radiation emitted is in the infrared region.
(b) The radiation is emitted only during the day.
(c) The radiation is emitted during the summers and absorbed during the winters.
(d) The radiation emitted lies in the ultraviolet region and hence is not visible.
Question 28. What is the cause of Green house effect?
(a) Infra-red rays
(b) Ultra violet rays
(c) X-rays
(d) Radio waves
Question 29. Which of the following rays are not electromagnetic waves ?
(a) X-rays
(b) g-rays
(c) b-rays
(d) heat rays
Question 30. Which wavelength of sun is used finally as electric energy?
(a) Radio waves
(b) Infra red waves
(c) Visible light
(d) Micro waves
Question 31. The frequency order for g-rays (B), X-rays (A),UV rays (C) is
(a) B > A > C
(b) A > B > C
(c) C > B > A
(d) A > C > B.
Question 32. Biological importance of ozone layer is
(a) it stops ultraviolet rays
(b) ozone layer reduces green house effect
(c) ozone layer reflects radio waves
(d) ozone layer controls O2/H2 ratio in atmosphere.
Question 33. Ozone layer blocks the radiations of wavelength
(a) more than 3 × 10–7 m
(b) equal to 3 × 10–7 m
(c) less than 3 × 10–7 m
(d) all of these
Question 34. A signal emitted by an antenna from a certain point can be received at another point of the surface in the form of
(a) sky wave
(b) ground wave
(c) sea wave
(d) both (a) and (b)
Question 35. Which of the following electromagnetic radiations have the smaller wavelength?
(a) X-rays
(b) g-rays
(c) UV waves
(d) microwaves
Question 36. The structure of solids is investigated by using
(a) cosmic rays
(b) X-rays
(c) g-rays
(d) infra-red radiations
Question 37. An electromagnetic wave passes through space and its equation is given by E = E0 sin (ϖt – kx) where E is electric field. Energy density of electromagnetic wave in space is
Question 38. Which of the following electromagnetic radiations have the longest wavelength ?
(a) X-rays
(b) g-rays
(c) Microwaves
(d) Radiowaves
Question 39. The electromagnetic waves travel with a velocity
(a) equal to velocity of sound
(b) equal to velocity of light
(c) less than velocity of light
(d) None of these
Question 40. The frequency 2 MHz belongs to
(a) visible light
(b) X-rays
(c) microwaves
(d) radiowaves
Question 41. Intensity of electromagnetic wave will be
(a) I = cμ0BO2 / 2
(b) I = c∈0B20 / 2
(c) I = B20 / cμ0
(d) I = ∈20 / 2c∈0
Question 42. The ionosphere
(a) reflects back radiowaves in the AM band
(b) reflects back radiowaves in the FM band
(c) absorbs radiowaves in the AM band
(d) absorbs radiowaves in the FM band
Question 43. The speed of electromagnetic wave in vacuum depends upon the source of radiation. It
(a) increases as we move from g-rays to radio waves
(b) decreases as we move from g-rays to radio waves
(c) is same for all of them
(d) None of these
Question 44. If λ = 10Å then it corresponds to
(a) infrared
(b) microwaves
(c) ultraviolet
(d) X-rays
Question 45. Electromagnetic waves are transverse in nature is evident by
(a) polarization
(b) interference
(c) reflection
(d) diffraction
Question 46. Radio waves and visible light in vacuum have
(a) same velocity but different wavelength
(b) continuous emission spectrum
(c) band absorption spectrum
(d) line emission spectrum
Question 47. In an electromagnetic wave
(a) power is transmitted along the magnetic field
(b) power is transmitted along the electric field
(c) power is equally transferred along the electric and magnetic fields
(d) power is transmitted in a direction perpendicular to both the fields
Question 48. An electromagnetic wave going through vacuum is described by E = E0 sin (kx – ϖt); B = B0 sin (kx – ϖt). Which of the following equations is true?
(a) E0k = B0ϖ
(b) E0ϖ = B0k
(c) E0B0 = ϖk
(d) None of these
Question 49. 10 cm is a wavelength corresponding to the spectrum of
(a) infrared rays
(b) ultra-violet rays
(c) microwaves
(d) g -rays
Question 50. The ozone layer absorbs radiation of wavelengths
(a) less than 3 × 10–7 m
(b) more than 3 × 10–7 m
(c) less than 3 × 10–5 m
(d) more than 3 × 10–5 m

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)
How many MCQ questions are there in CLass 12 chapter 8 Physics?
In the Class 12 chapter 8 Physics, we have provided 50 Important MCQ Questions, But in the future, we will add more MCQs so that you can get good marks in the Class 12 exam.
Can we score good marks in Class 12 Physics with the help of Electromagnetic Waves MCQ Questions?
Yes, MCQ Question is one of the best strategies to make your preparation better for the CBSE Board Exam. It also helps to know the student’s basic understanding of each chapter. So, You can score good marks in the Class 12 Physics exam.