Mechanical Properties of Fluids Class 11 MCQ is one of the best strategies to prepare for the CBSE Class 11 Board exam. If you want to complete a grasp concept or work on one’s score, there is no method except constant practice. Students can improve their speed and accuracy by doing more MCQ on Mechanical Properties of Fluids Class 11, which will help them all through their board test.
Mechanical Properties of Fluids Class 11 MCQ Questions with Answer
Class 11 Physics MCQ with answers are given here to Chapter 10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids. These MCQs are based on the latest CBSE board syllabus and relate to the latest Class 11 Physics syllabus. By Solving these Class 11 MCQs, you will be able to analyze all of the concepts quickly in the chapter and get ready for the Class 11 Annual exam.
Learn Class 11 Mechanical Properties of Fluids MCQs with answers pdf free download according to the latest CBSE and NCERT syllabus. Students should prepare for the examination by solving CBSE Class 11 Physics Mechanical Properties of Fluids MCQ with answers given below
Question 1. A small hole of area of cross-section 2 mm2 is present near the bottom of a fully filled open tank of height 2 m. Taking g = 10 m/s2, the rate of flow of water through the open hole would be nearly
(a) 6.4 × 10–6 m3/s
(b) 12.6 × 10–6 m3/s
(c) 8.9 × 10–6 m3/s
(d) 2.23 × 10–6 m3/s
Question 2. A wind with speed 40 m/s blows parallel to the roof of a house. The area of the roof is 250 m2. Assuming that the pressure inside the house is atmospheric pressure, the force exerted by the wind on the roof and the direction of the force will be (rair = 1.2 kg/m3)
(a) 2.4 × 105 N, upwards
(b) 2.4 × 105 N, downwards
(c) 4.8 × 105 N, downwards
(d) 4.8 × 105 N, upwards
Question 3. Two non-mixing liquids of densities r and nr (n > 1) are put in a container. The height of each liquid is h. A solid cylinder of length L and density d is put in this container. The cylinder floats with its axis vertical and length pL (p < 1) in the denser liquid. The density d is equal to
(a) {2 + (n – 1)p}r
(b) {1 + (n – 1)p}r
(c) {1 + (n + 1)p}r
(d) {2 + (n + 1)p}r
Question 4. The cylindrical tube of a spray pump has radius R, one end of which has n fine holes, each of radius r. If the speed of the liquid in the tube is V, the speed of the ejection of the liquid through the holes is
(a) VR2 /n3r2
(b) VR2 /nr
(c) VR/n2r2
(d) VR/nr
Question 5. A small sphere of radius ‘r’ falls from rest in a viscous liquid. As a result, heat is produced due to viscous force. The rate of production of heat when the sphere attains its terminal velocity, is proportional to
(a) r3
(b) r2
(c) r5
(d) r4
Question 6. A capillary tube of radius r is immersed in water and water rises in it to a height h. The mass of the water in the capillary is 5 g. Another capillary tube of radius 2r is immersed in water. The mass of water that will rise in this tube is
(a) 2.5 g
(b) 5.0 g
(c) 10.0 g
(d) 20.0 g
Question 7. A fluid is in streamline flow across a horizontal pipe of variable area of cross section. For this which of the following statements is correct?
(a) The velocity is maximum at the narrowest part of the pipe and pressure is maximum at the widest part of the pipe.
(b) Velocity and pressure both are maximum at the narrowest part of the pipe.
(c) Velocity and pressure both are maximum at the widest part of the pipe.
(d) The velocity is minimum at the narrowest part of the pipe and the pressure is minimum at the widest part of the pipe.
Question 8. Two small spherical metal balls, having equal masses, are made from materials of densities r1 and r2(r1= 8r2) and have radii of 1mm and 2 mm, respectively. They are made to fall vertically (from rest) in a viscous medium whose coefficient of viscosity equals h and whose density is 0.1 r2. The ratio of their terminal velocities would be
(a) 79/72
(b) 19/36
(c) 39/72
(d) 79/36
Question 9. Two small drops of mercury, each of radius R coalesce to form a single large drop. The radio of the total surface energies before and after the change is :
(a) 1 : 21/3
(b) 21/3 : 1
(c) 2 : 1
(d) 1 : 2
Question 10. A soap bubble, having radius of 1 mm, is blown from a detergent solution having a surface tension of 2.5 × 10–2 N/m. The pressure inside the bubble equals at a point Z0 below the free surface of water in a container. Taking g = 10 m/s2, density of water = 103 kg/m3, the value of Z0 is
(a) 0.5 cm
(b) 100 cm
(c) 10 cm
(d) 1 cm
Question 11. The excess pressure inside the first soap bubble is three times that inside the second bubble then, the ratio of volume of the first to the second bubble will be :
(a) 1 : 27
(b) 3 : 1
(c) 1 : 3
(d) 1 : 9
Question 12. A water tank of height 10m, completely filled with water is placed on a level ground. It has two holes one at 3 m and the other at 7 m from its base. The water ejecting from
(a) both the holes will fall at the same spot
(b) upper hole will fall farther than that from the lower hole
(c) upper hole will fall closer than that from the lower hole
(d) more information is required
Question 13. A rectangular film of liquid is extended from (4 cm × 2 cm) to (5 cm × 4 cm). If the work done is 3 × 10–4 J, the value of the surface tension of the liquid is
(a) 0.250 N m–1
(b) 0.125 N m–1
(c) 0.2 N m–1
(d) 8.0 N m–1
Question 14. The lift of an air plane is based on
(a) Torricelli’s theorem
(b) Bernoulli’s theorem
(c) Law of gravitation
(d) Conservation of linear momentum
Question 15. A ring is cut from a platinum tube 8.5 cm internal and 8.7 cm external diameter. It is supported horizontally from the pan of a balance, so that it comes in contact with the water in a glass vessel.
If an extra 3.97. If is required to pull it away from water, the surface tension of water is
(a) 72 dyne cm–1
(b) 70.80 dyne cm–1
(c) 63.35 dyne cm–1
(d) 60 dyne cm–1
Question 16. The wettability of a surface by a liquid depends primarily on
(a) density
(b) angle of contact between the surface and the liquid
(c) viscosity
(d) surface tension.
Question 17. Three liquids of densities r1, r2 and r3 (with r1 > r2 > r3), having the same value of surface tension T, rise to the same height in three identical capillaries. The angles of contact q1, q2 and q3 obey
(a) p/2 > q1 > q2>q3 ≥ 0
(b) 0 ≤ q1 < q2 < q3 < p/2
(c) p/2 < q1 < q2 < q3 < p
(d) p > q1 > q2 > q3 > p/2
Whoever needs to take the CBSE Class 11 Board Exam should look at this MCQ. To the Students who will show up in CBSE Class 11 Physics Board Exams, It is suggested to practice more and more questions. Aside from the sample paper you more likely had solved. These Mechanical Properties of Fluids Class 11 MCQ are ready by the subject specialists themselves.
Question 18. Water rises to a height h in capillary tube. If the length of capillary tube above the surface of water is made less than h, then
(a) water rises upto a point a little below the top and stays there
(b) water does not rise at all
(c) water rises upto the tip of capillary tube and then starts overflowing like a fountain
(d) water rises upto the top of capillary tube and stays there without overflowing.
Question 19. The difference between viscosity and solid friction is/are
(a) viscosity depends on area while solid friction does not
(b) viscosity depends on nature of material but solid friction does not
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) neither (a) nor (b)
Question 20. Water is not used in thermometer because
(a) it sticks to glass
(b) its shows anamalous expansion
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) neither (a) nor (b)
Question 21. A small ball (menu) falling under graivty in a viscous medium experiences a drag force proportional to the instantaneous speed u such that Fdrag = Ku . Then the terminal speed of the ball within the viscous medium is
(a) K/mg
(b) mg/K
(c) √mg?k
(d) (mg/K)2
Question 22. The constant velocity attained by a body while falling through a viscous medium is termed as
(a) critical velocity
(b) terminal velocity
(c) threshold velocity
(d) None of these
Question 23. Paint-gun is based on
(a) Bernoulli’s theorem
(b) Archimedes’ principle
(c) Boyle’s law
(d) Pascal’s law
Question 24. Toricelli’s theorem is used to find
(a) the velocity of efflux through an orifice.
(b) the velocity of flow of liquid through a pipe.
(c) terminal velocity
(d) critical velocity
Question 25. Gases do not posses
(a) density
(b) surface tension
(c) volume
(d) viscosity
Question 26. Consider a 1 c.c. sample of air at absolute temperature T0 at sea level and another 1 c.c. sample of air at a height where the pressure is one-third atmosphere. The absolute temperature T of the sample at the height is
(a) equal to T0/3
(b) equal to 3/T0
(c) equal to T0
Question 27. The terminal velocity depends upon
(a) 1/r
(b) 1/r2
(c ) 1/r3
(d) r2
Question 28. Water is flowing through a horizontal pipe having a restriction, then
(a) pressure will be greater at the restriction.
(b) pressure will be greater in the wider portion.
(c) pressure will be same throughout the length of the pipe.
(d) None of these
Question 29. Fevicol is added to paint to be painted on the walls, because
(a) it increases adhesive force between paint and wall.
(b) it decreases adhesive force between paint and wall molecules.
(c) it decreases cohesive force between paint molecules.
(d) None of these
Question 30. The surface energy of a liquid drop of radius r is proportional to
(a) r3
(b) r2
(c) r
(d) 1/r
Question 31. A liquid is contained in a vessel. The liquid-solid adhesive force is very weak as compared to the cohesive force in the liquid. The shape of the liquid surface will be
(a) horizontal
(b) vertical
(c) concave
(d) convex
Question 32. The velocity of efflux of a liquid through an orifice in the bottom of the tank does not depend upon
(a) size of orifice
(b) height of liquid
(c) acceleration due to gravity
(d) density of liquid
Question 33. Two liquids drops coalesce to form a large drop. Now,
(a) energy is liberated
(b) energy is neither liberated nor absorbed
(c) some mass gets converted into energy
(d) energy is absorbed
Question 34. A man is sitting in a boat which is floating in pond. If the man drinks some water from the pond, the level of water in the pond will
(a) rise a little
(b) fall a little
(c) remain stationary
(d) none of these
Question 35. At the boiling point of a liquid, surface tension
(a) is zero
(b) is infinite
(c) is same as that at any other temperature
(d) cannot be determined

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)
How many MCQ questions are there in Class 11 chapter 10 Physics?
In Class 11 chapter 10 Physics, we have provided 35 Important MCQ Questions, But in the future, we will add more MCQs so that you can get good marks in the Class 11 exam.
Can we score good marks in Class 11 Physics with the help of Mechanical Properties of Fluids MCQ Questions?
Yes, MCQ Question is one of the best strategies to make your preparation better for the CBSE Board Exam. It also helps to know the student’s basic understanding of each chapter. So, You can score good marks in the Class 11 Physics exam.