Class 12 Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System MCQ Questions PDF with answers is one of the best strategies to prepare for the CBSE Class 12 Board exam. If you want to complete a grasp concept or work on one’s score, there is no method except constant practice. Students can improve their speed and accuracy by doing more MCQ on Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System class 12 which will help them all through their board test.
Class 12 Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System MCQ Questions with Answer
Class 12 Political Science MCQ with answers are given here for Chapter 5 Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System. These MCQs are based on the latest CBSE board syllabus and relate to the latest Class 12 Political Science syllabus. By Solving these Class 12 MCQs, you will be able to analyze all of the concepts quickly in the chapter and get ready for the Class 12 Annual exam.
Learn Class 12 Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System MCQ Questions helps you to make your preparation better to score well in exams. Students should prepare for the examination by solving the CBSE MCQ of Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System class 12 with answers given below.
Question 1. The Syndicate wanted Indira Gandhi to act as a:
(A) strong leader
(B) puppet U
(C) financial backup
(D) face of the country
Question 2. Whom would you like to identify the slogan ‘Indira Hatao’ with?
(A) Syndicate
(B) Karpoori Thakur
(C) V. V. Giri
(D) Subhash Chandra Bose
Question 3. Why the results of general elections 1967 were called ‘political earthquake’?
(A) Because congress lost all the seats
(B) The elections were not at all successful
(C) The popularity of Congress had reduced by a large scale
(D) None of the above
Question 4. The economic situation in 1967 triggered off:
(A) Price rise
(B) Price fall
(C) Economic progress
(D) Military rise
Question 5. …………………….. was unanimously chosen as the leader of the Congress Parliamentary Party after the death of Nehru.
(A) Indira Gandhi
(B) Lal Bahadur Shastri
(C) Morarji Desai
(D) Natarajan Annadurai
Question 6. When Indira Gandhi recommended dissolution of Lok Sabha?
(A) December 1971
(B) November 1970
(C) December 1970
(D) None of the above
Question 7. Which period of Indian politics was referred to as “dangerous decade”?
(A) 1970s
(B) 1950s
(C) 1980s
(D) 1960s
Question 8. In the decade of 1960’s, the Congress Party under the leadership of Indira Gandhi was affected by:
(A) Violence
(B) Defection
(C) Internal conflicts
(D) Censorship
Whoever needs to take the CBSE Class 12 Board Exam should look at this MCQ. To the Students who will show up in CBSE Class 12 Political Science Board Exams, It is suggested to practice more and more questions. Aside from the sample paper you more likely had solved.Class 12 Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System MCQ Questions with answers are ready by the subject specialists according to the latest CBSE and NCERT syllabus.
Question 9. When did congress party split into two groups?
(A) 1969
(B) 1979
(C) 1959
(D) 1960
Question 10. Who gave slogan “Garibi Hatao”?
(A) Lal Bahadur Sashtri
(B) Indira Gandhi
(C) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(D) None of the above
Question 11. In General Elections 1971 which party was supported by the majority of the voters?
(A) Congress (O)
(B) Congress (R)
(C) Congress
Question 12. Whose name was proposed by the syndicate for the Presidential elections 1969?
(A) K Kamraj
(B) V V Giri
(C) N. Sanjeeva Reddy
(D) None of these
Question 13. The ………………….. had played a role in the installation of Indira Gandhi as the Prime Minister by ensuring her election as the leader of the Parliamentary Party.
(A) Constituent Assembly
(B) Syndicate
(C) Opposition
(D) Economic conditions
Question 14. What was the motto of Grand Alliance?
(A) Garibi Hatao
(B) Economy Badhao
(C) Corruption Hatao
(D) Indira Hatao
Question 15. The Grand Alliance of opposition of 1971 :
(A) got a combined tally of seats that was less than 40.
(B) had a clear ideological programme.
(C) had a grand finish in the 1970 elections.
(D) proved to be a great success.
Question 16. For how many years Lal Bahadur Sashtri remained cabinet minister prior becoming the PM?
(A) four
(B) three
(C) five
(D) ten
Question 17. Whom would you like to identify the slogan ‘Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan’ with?
(A) Indira Gandhi
(B) Syndicate
(C) Lal Bahadur Shastri
(D) Nehru
Question 18. Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru passed away in May:
(A) 1954
(B) 1964
(C) 1974
(D) 1984

You can easily get good marks If you study with the help of Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System Class 12 MCQ Questions PDF. We trust that information provided is useful for you. NCERT Class 12 Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System MCQ Questions with answers Download would without a doubt create positive results.
We hope the information shared above in regards to MCQ on Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System class 12 has been helpful to you. if you have any questions regarding CBSE Class 12 Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System MCQ Pdf, write a comment below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)
How many MCQ questions are there in Class 12 Political Science Chapter 5?
In Class 12 Political Science Chapter 5, we have provided 18 Important MCQ Questions, But in the future, we will add more MCQs so that you can get good marks in the Class 12 exam.
Can we score good marks in Class 12 Political Science with the help of Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System MCQ Questions?
Yes, MCQ Question is one of the best strategies to make your preparation better for the CBSE Board Exam. It also helps to know the student’s basic understanding of each chapter. So, You can score good marks in Class 12 Political Science exam.