International Organisations Class 12 MCQ Questions PDF with answers is one of the best strategies to prepare for the CBSE Class 12 Board exam. If you want to complete a grasp concept or work on one’s score, there is no method except constant practice. Students can improve their speed and accuracy by doing more MCQ of International Organisations class 12 which will help them all through their board test.
International Organisations Class 12 MCQ Questions with Answer
Class 12 Political Science MCQ with answers are given here for Chapter 6 International Organisations. These MCQs are based on the latest CBSE board syllabus and relate to the latest Class 12 International Organisations syllabus. By Solving these Class 12 MCQs, you will be able to analyze all of the concepts quickly in the chapter and get ready for the Class 12 Annual exam.
Learn International Organisations Class 12 MCQ PDF helps you to make your preparation better to score well in exams. Students should prepare for the examination by solving the CBSE MCQ of International Organisations class 12 with answers given below.
Question 1. Which U.N. agency concerned with the safety and peaceful use of nuclear technology?
(A) The UN Committee on Disarmament
(B) International Atomic Energy Agency
(C) UN International Safeguard Committee
(D) None of the above
Question 2. How many states signed United Nations Charter in 1945?
(A) 55
(B) 39
(C) 67
(D) 50
Question 3. Arrange the following in the chronological order:
(i) Establishment of Human Rights Council
(ii) Yalta Conference
(iii) Atlantic Charter
(iv) India join the UN
(A) (ii), (iv), (i), (iii)
(B) (iii), (ii), (iv), (i)
(C) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
(D) (ii), (iii), (iv), (i)
Question 4. On the reforms of structures and processes, the biggest discussions has been on the functioning of the
(A) Security Council.
(B) Health of the infants
(C) Child mortality rate
(D) Nuclear weapon possession
Question 5. The non-permanent members of the Security Council do not have the:
(A) Veto power
(B) Election power
(C) Military power
(D) Judiciary power
Question 6. “The United Nations was not created to take humanity to the heaven, but to save it from the hell.” Who made this statement?
(A) Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru
(B) Kofi Annan
(C) Ban Ki-moon
(D) Dag Hammarskj old
Question 7. The UN is an ………………. body.
(A) indigenous
(B) imperfect
(C) impressive
(D) imperative
Question 8. Who was the Secretary of UN in 1997?
(A) Bill Clinton
(B) General Kofi Annan
(C) George W Bush
(D) None of the above
Question 9. The Secretary-General – Ban Ki-Moon from South Korea is the ………………. Secretary-General of the UN.
(A) Fifth
(B) Sixth
(C) Seventh
(D) Eighth
Question 10. The US, Japan, Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Canada and Russia are the:
(A) G8 members
(B) D8 members
(C) Cold War countries
(D) Dominating members
Whoever needs to take the CBSE Class 12 Board Exam should look at this MCQ. To the Students who will show up in CBSE Class 12 Political Science Board Exams, It is suggested to practice more and more questions. Aside from the sample paper you more likely had solved. International Organisations Class 12 MCQ Questions with answers are ready by the subject specialists according to the latest CBSE and NCERT syllabus.
Question 11. With the disappearance of the Soviet Union, the US stands as the only:
(A) Major power
(B) Master power
(C) Superpower
(D) Inner power
Question 12. Which one of the following is the permanent member of UN?
(A) India
(B) China
(C) Sweden
(D) Ireland
Question 13. The WHO has played a leading role in ………………. .
(A) public health achievement
(B) economic development
(C) children’s health
(D) resolving disputes among the nations
Question 14. Which institution became the successor of the League of Nations?
(C) UN
Question 15. ………………….. draws the global media’s attention to human rights abuses.
(A) Human Rights Power
(B) Human Rights Watch
(C) Human Rights People
(D) Human Rights Torch
Question 16. Who is the single largest contributor to UN?
(A) China
(B) India
(C) US
(D) Europe
Question 17. The non-permanent members are elected in a manner so that they represent all the …………………. of the world.
(A) races
(B) sections
(C) continents
(D) grievances
Question 18. What is the objective of UN?
(A) To prevent international conflict and facilitate co-operation among states.
(B) To boost the trade among the member nations.
(C) To procure the best medical help during the time of pandemic.
(D) All of the above.
Question 19. In 1992, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution related to:
(A) UN Security Council
(D) World Bank
Question 20. When was UNESCO established?
(A) 6th November, 1946
(B) 5th November, 1945
(C) 4th November 1946
(D) 25th December 1946
Question 21. Where is the head quarter of UNICEF?
(A) Tokyo
(B) Chicago
(C) Los Angeles
(D) New York

You can easily get good marks If you study with the help of International Organisations Class 12 MCQ Questions PDF. We trust that information provided is useful for you. NCERT International Organisations Class 12 MCQ Questions with answers Download would without a doubt create positive results.
We hope the information shared above in regards to MCQ of International Organisations class 12 has been helpful to you. if you have any questions regarding CBSE Class 12 International Organisations MCQ Pdf, write a comment below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)
How many MCQ questions are there in Class 12 Political Science Chapter 6?
In Class 12 Political Science Chapter 6, we have provided 21 Important MCQ Questions, But in the future, we will add more MCQs so that you can get good marks in the Class 12 exam.
Can we score good marks in Class 12 Political Science with the help of International Organisations MCQ Questions?
Yes, MCQ Question is one of the best strategies to make your preparation better for the CBSE Board Exam. It also helps to know the student’s basic understanding of each chapter. So, You can score good marks in Class 12 Political Science exam.